Asite launches Project Workflow Version 2.0

Written by Emily Hodges | 13-Feb-2006 16:00:00

Asite Solutions, a leading provider of collaboration software launches latest technology for the Construction industry.

Asite Solutions is a leading international provider of a unified suite of software and support services to aid project management, sourcing and procurement. In February 2006 Asite launches Project Workflow Version 2.0, their flagship collaboration software tool for project management.

The last five years have seen widespread uptake of collaboration technology software in the construction industry. Companies have realised the benefit and importance of embracing Asite's Project Workflow software as a major tool for project management. The industry has acknowledged that this type of technology is here to stay.

Asite's Project Workflow Version 2.0 takes collaboration software to the next level. It is the first collaboration solution to adopt Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology. Major search engines such as Google have embraced this technology using it to create a new breed of dynamic web-applications such as Google Mapsand Google Suggest. The key benefit gained from adopting this type of technology is speed. In brief AJAX technology works asynchronously, dramatically reducing data volumes.

Project Workflow Version 2.0 addresses the way users of collaboration tools actually work. Users are able to assign a colleague as their proxy user, allowing someone else to look after their inbox and carry out actions on their behalf. Additionally 'Task Delegation' and 'Cancelling', allows tasks to be delegated to other users or cancelled, maintaining a full audit trail.

The reality is, there are still many individuals involved on a project who send or receive hardcopy paper documents. These paper documents still need to be tracked and recorded, which often means that project teams need to use a separate system to record all incoming and outgoing paper mail. With Project Workflow Version 2.0, the 'Paper People' and 'Paper Document Tracking' functionality allows users to track paper documents alongside electronic documents, enabling individuals to get the complete picture of information exchange across all projects.

All of Asite's solutions are backed up by extensive Support Services, ensuring that clients receive maximum benefit from Asite's technology. Asite consultants have an in-depth knowledge of construction from a variety of backgrounds, including Engineering, Cost Management, Contracting, Procurement and Project Management.

For each project, Asite consultants work closely with project teams to scope and implement the software solution to their individual requirements.

Asite places significant emphasis on continuous training and knowledge transfer enabling organisations to fully utilise their technology. Training is provided by Asite's fully accredited trainers, with professional backgrounds ranging from Computer Sciences to Telecommunications and IT.

The Asite Support Team responds to user queries about the functionality and operation of Asite's products and services. The Support Team is fully briefed on all customer solutions and can offer guidance in the resolution of technical IT issues associated with the use of Asite applications.