Digital Engineering


What is Digital Engineering ? 

Digital engineering is an elusive concept founded in the technological transformation impacting the AEC sector. While there is no agreed definition, the conversation surrounding digital engineering could be seen as a response to increasing complexity in the industry. New technologies, building materials, tools, techniques, and stakeholders’ expectations have introduced new factors into the production process and present a novel and diverse set of challenges.

Digital engineering, in its most general sense, marks a new approach to innovation and lifecycle management, enabled by these advances in technology. However, it isn’t simply the uptake of new technologies but a concerted effort to use them to unlock greater value across the entire lifecycle of a capital asset. Click here to read more on Digital Engineering: A pioneering approach to innovation. 

Digital Engineering Tools

Digital Engineering with tools such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), is about more than just creating models. It is about unlocking knowledge and insight in real time, which can create the platform for true collaboration.

This state-of-the-art digital prototyping technology enables us to integrate data about a building’s design, construction and future function to develop the most efficient methods of delivery and operation.

Ultimately, if it can be built in the ‘virtual’ world of BIM, then it can be built in the real world. With the Asite Platform, you can create a truly collaborative BIM and digital engineering environment.

Watch our digital engineering video below or visit our page to find out more: Digital Engineering.


