Climate change is the most pressing issue of our lifetime...
The global warming of the planet, caused by carbon pollution, has resulted in an ever-growing need to invoke action for climate change mitigation. The awakening of our society to the need for action for climate change has been the driving force behind a multitude of global initiatives and agreements focused on decarbonization.
With 80% of homes already built and up to 75% of today’s buildings still expected to be in use by 2050, this report examines how the construction industry can mitigate carbon emissions through the smart retrofitting of built assets.

In response to the Paris Agreement, an increasing number of governments are introducing national strategies, setting out their commitments to a carbon neutral future.
The report examines the policies and initiatives from key regions around the world, offering a global perspective of the most pressing issues of our lifetime. While these policies point regions in the right direction, there is more to be done.
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The onus of addressing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions related to the built environment lies with developed nations where much of the future building stock is already in place.
75% of this stock is energy inefficient, with the majority of buildings predating modern energy standards, and poorly adapted for current and future climates. While there are already several mandatory legal acts, it is clear that these are either not stringent enough or are just generally ineffective.
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Despite increased awareness surrounding energy inefficiencies, the low uptake of decarbonization and retrofit activities can be attributed to several barriers.
While these obstacles range in complexity from country to country, this report focuses on the three dominant barriers of finance, supply chain capacity, and the disruption factor. While some progress has been made, these still require additional and immediate action.
Read more here.

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