Asite Spring '10 Release

As part of our ongoing development programme, during the evening of Friday 14 May 2010, the Asite platform was upgraded
to the Spring '10 Release. As an Asite user, you do not have to do anything to use the new functionality; your account has been automatically upgraded.
The release includes a large amount of new functionality across the Asite product suite as well as substantial additions to Asite's powerful AppBuilder technology. This extends users' ability to design and develop applications that run on the Asite Platform, both from your PC and now from Mobile devices using our new Asite cMOB interface!
To find out more about the Spring '10 Release, why not:
* Download full release notes for the Spring '10 Release by clicking here.
* Discuss the Spring '10 Release on the Asite Community Discussion Forums.
If you wish to discuss the Spring '10 Release, please contact the Asite sales team at sales@asite.com / +44 207 749 7880.
We hope you enjoy the Spring '10 release and all of the new features. There is full detail on all the new features in the Help & Training site and a number eLearning lessons have been made available for users. If you have any comments or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Asite Helpdesk by email at support@asite.comor by telephone on UK Tel: +44 (0)845 130 5550 / India Tel: +91 (0)79 4021 1900.
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